Where choices regarding energy seem so limited today, New World Power Corporation provides you with an alternative. New World delivers energy to retail end use customers from on-site energy systems it builds, owns, and operates on your premises. You decide whether you want to pay a fixed price for the energy, or whether you prefer a guaranteed discount to the utility's rates. By focusing on OUR business, New World provides you with more time and resources to focus on yours!

New World Power Corporation was one of the first successful distributed power companies. New World assembled and sold stand-alone renewable power generating equipment used in either grid support or remote applications. After going public in 1992, the solar division of New World became the largest and most successful packager and distributor of solar systems in the industry.

In early 2002, New World began developing its plan to take its unique energy solutions to the retail end use business owner. With offices in New York, Connecticut, and San Diego, New World Power Corporation maintains its headquarters in Orange County, California. The New World Power Corporation reorganized to become the leading provider of Distributed Generation solutions.